A Course for Safe Boating
Chapter 1 u Personal Safety
Immediately report the following: Suspicious persons conducting unusual activities, such as near bridges or high security areas on or near the water. Individuals establishing roadside stands near marinas or other waterfront facilities. Unknown persons photographing or creating diagrams of such things as the underside of bridges, the area around nuclear power plants, and waterfront facilities near military, cruise-line, or commercial vessels. Unknown or suspicious persons loitering for extended periods of time in waterfront areas. Suspicious persons renting or attempting to procure or “borrow” watercraft. Suspicious vendors attempting to sell/deliver merchandise or drop off pack- ages in waterfront areas. Be alert and boat safely!
Answer the following questions by circling T for true or F for false. 1. Recreational vessels are not restricted from approaching military vessels. . . . . . . . . . . T F 2. Violators of the Naval Vessel Protection Zone can face up to six years in prison and a $250,000 fine. . T F 3. Suspicious activities should be reported to local authorities, the Coast Guard, or port or marina security officials. T F 4. Recreational boaters have no part in keeping our waterways safe and secure. . . . . . . . . . T F Turn to page 100 for correct answers.
California Boating A Course for Safe Boating
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