A Course for Safe Boating
Continue Your Boating Safety Education
Boating safety classes are conducted by several organizations throughout the State of California. The largest of these organizations are the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary and the United States Power Squadrons. The primary mission of both organizations is to promote safety afloat through education, and you need not be a member to take advantage of the basic instruction offered. Introductory classes include basic information on aids to navigation, rules of the road, charts and compasses, boating regulations, marlinespike seamanship, motor- boat handling and trailering practices. Some Auxiliary Flotillas also offer public courses on principles of sailing and coastal piloting. Please contact the organizations for information. A 24-hour, toll-free information service is available to California boaters. The service is designed to provide boaters with up-to-date information on boating classes offered throughout the state. This includes classes given by the U.S. Power Squadrons, U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary and other local organizations such as the American Red Cross. Callers can also request information on required and recommended equipment, nautical rules of the road, local safety and facilities on both coastal and inland waters. Aquatic centers across the state also offer boating safety classes. Courses, costs and schedules vary. A list of aquatic centers can be found on the Division of Boating and Waterways’ website.
For further information, contact:
U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary
U.S. Power Squadrons National Directory:
California Natural Resources Agency California State Parks DIVISION OF BOATING ANDWATERWAYS
www.cgaux.org Northern California: 510-437-3590 Southern California: 310-521-6172
1-888-367-8777 www.usps.org
1-888-326-2822 www.dbw.parks.ca.gov www.boatsmarter.com
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