farm as well. It’s an aging cabin in dire need of repair, located on a plot full of fallow crops gone to seed. Worn steps lead up to a rotting porch, windows are grime-covered and one in the back is completely shattered. Shutters flap like broken wings in the wind, and wooden shingles peel from the roof. A large spider web hangs above the front door. Inside, the cabin is damp and chilled. There are two rooms on the first floor, rickety stairs leading up to two bedrooms above, and equally perilous steps leading down into the cellar. The kitchen is non-descript, save for the broken window and glass scattered on the floor beneath (evidence that it was broken from the outside). The priest, Father Arras, can be found sitting in a moldering stuffed chair in the lounge. His face, too, is etched in terror. Unlike the three hired hands however, he most definitely endured trauma before dying. The left side of his face and skull have been smashed , with blood and gore oozing down the side of his head. A successful Wisdom check allows characters to notice stringy, thread-like, orange matter around the wound and spattered blood. They also find that a couple of small seeds have slid down the priest’s collar and fallen between the floorboards. These are easily identifiable as pumpkin seeds. One bedroom upstairs was quite obviously used by adults. On the nightstand is a painting of a young girl and her parents. Anyone examining the painting is quick to realize the parents in the portrait look an awful lot like the aged “Ma and Pa”. The second bedroom is locked. Though merely used as storage, characters can find some interesting clues by searching through it. There is a very old and battered seaman’s chest which is both locked and trapped . It can be locked or broken open in typical fashion. It is however trapped with a magical glyph trap. Forcing or breaking the chest open (or unsuccessfully picking it’s lock) springs the trap. The victim must make a successful saving throw vs spell or begin to drown as their lungs are filled
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