
wrong and Bad Nigel visits, you’ll have bad done to you and then some. Some say he’s a horseman of the apocalypse. Others that he’s a force of karmic justice. All I can say for sure is you better have a clean conscience if ever you cross paths with Bad Nigel, or your sins will come back on you with interest. Best see to your soul, son, before Bad Nigel sees to it for you. Father Faust, the Damned Clergyman Love is like a dyin’ ember, and only memories remain. And through the ages, I’ll remember blue eyes crying in the rain. - Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain, by Willie Nelson W hat makes a good man lose his way? The question ain’t a new one, but it’s one worth considering. And how much more hellish might it be when one of the shepherds of the flock sells his soul? Maybe you should ask Father Faust. Once a prominent young preacher with a growing flock, he sold his soul for revenge and the devil burned it out of him. Now they say the shell of him still walks this earth, burning out the souls of the wicked to collect them for his master’s army. He always appears as a youthful and passionate preacher with powerful blue eyes, new to town and ready to shake up the congregation. But the more sinful souls he burns away, the more it takes a toll on his body. Before long, a singed husk with burned out eyes is all that remains, and it’s open season on whatever parishioners are left. They say he only visits congregations ripe for the harvest, but these days who can say what that means? Now say hi to your mama for me. We’ll see ya’ll in church. Dr. Helix, the Mostly-Invisible Man From my heart and from my hand, why don’t people understand my intention? - Weird Science, by Oingo Boingo S CIENCE! The greatest power in the universe! Dr. Helix was a renowned biochemist, obsessed with halting the aging process. His often unethical experiments led to the creation of a questionably sourced serum designed to erase age spots, wrinkles, and fine lines. In his zeal, he tested the serum on himself, applying it to his hands and face. It worked! His age spots disappeared. His wrinkles disappeared. His fine lines disappeared. His face and hands disappeared! Surprised and delighted by his discovery of an invisibility serum, he began to apply the remaining sample to the rest of his body, starting with his head and working his way down. Unfortunately the small sample was only sufficient to cover the upper half of his body, leaving his legs and feet still visible. Dr. Helix will stop at nothing to recreate his serum, no matter the cost, but his mostly invisible state has made shopping for ingredients a bit difficult.


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