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Val Carter’s Guide to Merfolk
Broker so unique is the price they ask in exchange for the powerful, reality-altering magics they work. Through the altering of cosmic threads, they can make you a king or give you a weapon that can slay a god, but what they want in return is not a life, or a soul. Fate Brokers ask for things that most of a sin gle minded ambition would see as worthless: the color of your mother’s eyes, your ability to taste salt, all your memories of the sound of laughter. These things, in a moment of rash ambition can seem like insignificant bits of oneself; however there are a thousand songs sung of tragedy around those who make deals with the Fate Brokers, and not a one any can recall of glory or triumph. Star Bolt 5th-Level Evocation Casting Time: 1 action Range: 60 ft. Components: V,S,M (a chunk of stone that has been in space) Duration: Instantaneous From your mouth and eyes, a roiling cone of raw solar energy bursts forth, burning all crea tures caught in the spray. Each creature you choose who is caught in the spray must succeed on a Constitution Saving Throw or take 14 (4d6) force damage, 14 (4d6) radiant damage, and 14 (4d6) necrotic damage, and be knocked prone. A creature that succeeds on its saving throw takes half as much dam age and is not knocked prone. Spell Lists: Bard, Paladin
Actions Multiattack: The Fate Broker may make six Claw attacks, or four Claw attacks and one Eye Beam attack. Claw: Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d8+5) slashing damage. Eye Beam (Recharge 5–6): The Fate Broker targets one creature it can see within 60 ft. of it. The target must make a Constitution Sav ing Throw DC 17 or take 28 (8d6) necrotic damage and age by 3d6 years. Reaction Future Sight: When a creature the Fate Broker can see within 30 ft. of it makes an attack roll, saving throw, or ability check, the Fate Broker can use their reaction to grant advan tage or disadvantage on that roll. Description With skin that seems to mimic the night sky as scales display a multi tude of stars and churning galaxies, the Fate Brokers are truly an awe inspiring sight to behold. These merfolk have extremely long tails tipped with barb-like fins and six arms, each ending in taloned hands. Their humanoid faces appear to be flawless, as if carved from starstuff itself, and their six eyes all burn with an inner radiant light that is captivat ing and horrifying at the same time. About Fate Brokers come from the space between spaces. The last remnants of a society that was here before the creation of the current universe, these ancient beings have made a home in the Outer Seas trading stories, lore, and secrets for power and glory. What makes dealing with a Fate
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