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The Outer Seas
within 120 ft. of them must make a Charisma Saving Throw DC 18. On a failed save the creature makes all saves at disadvantage until their next long rest. Fickle Fate (3 times a Day). One crea ture the Fate Broker can see within 30 ft. of them must make a Cha risma Saving Throw DC 18. On a failed save, the creature makes all skill checks at disadvantage until their next long rest. Innate Spellcasting The Fate Broker’s spellcasting abil ity is Charisma (spell save DC 17, +9 to hit with spell attacks). They can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components: • At will: reverse gravity, telekinesis • 3 times a day (each): haste, star bolt* • 1 time each day: wish
Armor Class 17 (natural armor) Hit Points 136 (16d10+48) Speed 40 ft., fly 60ft. (hover), swim 60 ft. Saving Throw Str +8, Dex +7, Con +7, Wis +7, Cha +9 Damage Resistances blud geoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks Damage Immunities psychic, silver Skills Athletics +9, Perception +5 Senses Darkvision 120 ft., Passive Perception 13 Languages Shanx (Common), telepathic up to 120 ft. Challenge Rating 10 (5,900 XP) Abilities Amphibious. Merfolk can breathe both air and water. Bound By Stars (3 times a Day). One creature the Fate Broker can see
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