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The Outer Seas

salt water and makes a ranged spell attack against a creature they can see within 30 ft. of them. On a hit, the target takes 14 (4d6) slashing damage and must make a Strength Saving Throw DC 15. Upon a failed save the creature is pulled up to 20 ft. toward the Salt Smith. Description Valcora Salt Smiths typically have tails that present in shades of blue with jagged scale patterns of black or tails that present in semitranspar ent shades of iridescent grey. These merfolk typically wear their hair in long braids, only cutting it when a blade they have forged has broken in combat, giving those with longer coils of hair higher status amongst this most prized conclave of creators. Salt Smiths are seldom seen outside the salt crystal caves their homes and workshops reside within, but when they do find need to travel, they typ ically do so laden down with their crafting tools and accompanied by at least two retainers with considerable combat prowess. About While there are many merfolk who pledge loyalty to Valcora, the ones she prizes the most are her beloved Salt Smiths. These merfolk have mastered the art of forging deadly weapons of war from the very salt of the seas they swim within. Salt Smiths are normally joyful, charm ing individuals who have a lust for life and a passion for creating. They are seldom swayed by the words and deeds of others, only seeking to create or destroy as the inspiration strikes them. There are many powerful individ uals across the Outer Seas who wield salt crystal blades forged by a Salt Smith; a thousand score more have been cut down by them.

Salt Crystal Blade melee weapon (martial, sword)

Category: Items Damage: 1d8 Damage Type: Slashing Item Rarity: Rare Properties: Versatile Weight: 4 lb. Ability

Brine Bite. When a creature is dealt damage with a Salt Crystal Blade, it must make a Constitution Saving Throw DC 14. Upon a failed save, the creature’s swim speed is reduced by half, and they must make all Constitution Saving Throws with disad vantage for the next hour. Salt Sunder. When a wielder of the Salt Crystal Blade rolls a 1 on a d20 while making an attack roll, they must make a Charisma Saving Throw DC 14. Upon a failed save, the Salt Crystal Blade explodes into a storm of crystal shards, deal ing 3d10+10 Slashing Damage to all creatures within 5 ft. of the blade. Description A Salt Crystal Blade is a roughly forged blade made of raw salt crystal. Its many facets pulse with a warm pink to white inner light. The handle of the blade is typically wrapped in shark skin or bands of alchemi cally treated seaward; the cross guards of the blades typically are formed into a shape that resembles a stylized wave.


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