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Classroom Cutups

This is the tenth Mr. Morris digest collection of comic strips. I publish one every year (along with the occasional special collection or treasury edition) at the beginning of the summer in time for comic book convention season. Those comic book shows are a great opportunity to talk with readers and find out what they like (or dislike) about the strip. It’s also a great chance to meet other cartoonists and compare notes. I’m not fooling myself though, the heart and soul of Mr. Morris is the newspaper editors who choose to run my comic strip on a weekly basis. I recognize the challenges faced by print media and

believe in the importance of community journalism. For these reasons I appreciate their decision to give valuable newsprint space to this feature. I’m happy to report that Mr. Morris now appears in fifteen newspapers located in eight different states with a combined circulation of over 150,000. Granted, that hardly puts me in Calvin and Hobbes or Peanuts territory, but I am thankful for my small audience. I always enjoy hearing from people who read these collections. I can be contacted at rick@rickbrooksbooks.com or through traditional mail at Rick Brooks; PO Box 5238; San Antonio, TX 78201.

Mr. Morris No. 10 Entire contents copyright © 2024 Rick Brooks

The first eight full color issues of the Mr. Morris comic book are $4.00 each (postage included). The treasury editions Mr. Morris: Semester Test and Mr. Morris: Decade in Fifth Grade are available for $20.00 each. Order online at mSarnmAonrtroisncioom, TiXc.c7o8m20o1r send a check or money order to Rick Brooks; PO Box 5238;

Mavra.iMlaobrleriisnapprpineatrssyonndliicnaetieovne. ry Monday at mrmorriscomic.com. The comic is also

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