new dad of the Boy Scout troop, he was going to take his son, of course, but also be responsible for three of the “bad” kids. My dad is not a suck er and saw what was about to happen. A car ride for 4-5 hours with a few bad apples in the back. So he said to the kids in the back, “We got a long ride ahead of us, Do you have any music you want to play?” They immedi ately handed him a tape and my dad put it in. We proceeded to drive for the next few hours laughing our asses off to an Andrew Dice Clay comedy tape. Best car ride I can remember in my life and I don’t recall seeing my dad laugh as hard as he did then, before or since. We pulled up to the ski lodge. My dad popped the tape out and gave it back to one of the kids in the back without another word. The “bad” kids knew my dad was all right and me, his son, was cool as well. Looking back, I never realized what took place, but now I do. Brilliant work, Dad. Now that the backstory of my love of the Iceman is out of the way, like the first act of a Phase One Marvel movie, it’s gotta be said that Andrew Dice Clay is a moment in time. Could he have been an act/comedian earlier? I don’t think society was ready for his vulgar presentation. How about later? Well, not much later, and nowadays he would have been banned/cancelled within hours. But for 1990, he was it. And we get a gem of a flick. Andrew Dice Clay is Ford Fairlane, LA’s foremost rock and roll detective. Essentially, he’s a private investigator to the 1990 LA music scene. He does work for the hot bands, finding their stalkers, or, really, anything else they ask. The problem is his clients pay him in watches, guitars and koalas. I know? Crazy. But they just don’t pay him in the cash that he needs. His old buddy from back in the day, Johnny Crunch (the late Gilbert Gottfried), asks him to find his long, lost daughter, Zuzu Petals, played by Maddie Corman. Once you see her face you will know her from a ton of stuff. Tragedy hits Johnny Crunch and then the following day Colleen Sutton is at Ford’s door. Sutton is played by Pricilla Presley (her only real film role besides the Naked Gun flicks) and she is also looking for her long, lost daughter. Long story short, something is not right. Then the crazy starts, but the cast of characters is insane. Lauren Holly, Wayne Newton, Ed O’Neill, David Patrick Kelly (of Clinging Bottles Warrior fame) and Robert Friggin Englund. Not to mention a handful of 1990 music super stars. Just nuts. Even crazier this flick is directed by Renny Harlin. Die Hard 2, Cliffhanger, Long Kiss Goodnight, to name a few. You know Renny Harlin…. so you know the explosions and action scenes are great. The Adventures of Ford Fairlane
The cast was going to be really different with Howard Stern, Billy Idol and David Bowie playing roles that went to Gilbert, Vince Neil and Wayne
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