Magical Weapons (All magical weapons are Crafted Perfectly, but over time they will degrade. The Game Master will determine what level of quality the item is found during the time of uncovering.
To make things easier too, the GM can follow the simple task of rolling a d4, acknowledging that No magical item will be found ever in Poor Quality. Below Quality(1) Average(2) , Above Average(3) or Perfect(4) – Flamebrand Shortsword Description: A short sword imbued with the essence of fire, causing fiery bursts upon impact and scorching the target. Price: 17,000 Gold Range: Melee (5 feet) Dmg: 5d6 + Fire Dmg – Vampyric Dagger: Description: A wicked dagger forged with dark magic, it thirsts for the life essence of its victims.Each strike inflicts draining wounds, sapping the vitality of the target. Price: 12,000 Gold Range: Melee (5 feet) Dmg: 4d6 + Necrotic Dmg Ongoing 2d8 Dmg per turn until resolved by Magic Spell or Potion. – Frostbite Repeater Crossbow Description: A crossbow designed to fire bolts imbued with icy enchantments, slowing and chilling the target. Requirements: Grit 4+ Knowledge 7+ Arcane Lore 4+ Requirements: Grit 5+ Knowledge 6+ Arcane Lore 4+
Requirements: Agility 6+ Knowledge 5+ Arcane Lore 6+
Price: 18,800 Gold Range: 50/200 feet Dmg: 4d8 + Frost Dmg –
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