
1: I told her that I would put the goddamn toilet seat down when she start ed to put the goddamn toilet seat UP.

2: She didn't like that?

1: I should say not.

2: Well, there is an upside.

1: Which is?

2: We ARE out drinking.

(glasses clink - they set them down & then each stare absently or deeply into them for a while)

1: What IS this we're drinking?

2: Don't ask.

1: No, really...

2: ...I'm not sure.

1: Ah .

(another semi-lengthy pause after which they begin their next lines simul taneously)

1: The PROBLEM is that I no longer... I'm sorry, go ahead.

2: You see, the reason that no one ever... What did you say..?

1: I suppose the safest thing is to ask, the absinthe? Or the Bosco?

2: What?

1: Maybe it's Ovaltine...

2: Ah, you're drunk.

1: (knowing look) So, you were saying?

2: Oh, we were in one of those silences where my head was going into the weird place.


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