
dad and the other a guy responsible for building usage at Simmons College. A firefighter and a cop. A guy and a gal. Two astronauts. Climbers on Half Dome. An orthodontist on the phone with his shrink. I don’t care. From me to you: lay it out as you see fit and draw whatever the speech cadence moves you to do, in any form of two-dimensional image on paper. Ink and lines or newspaper clippings or business cards or photos from your junior high school yearbook. Collage or paint or pomegranate squeezings.

Ready; set; go:

1: I try to be attentive, but...

2: Don't say that… Don't say that word.

1: What?

2: Fools say that word. I have never in my life heard a normal person say that word. It doesn't sound right.

1: Attentive?

2: Jesus! Stop it, will you? Yer creepin' me out.

1: She says...

2: You can pay ATTENTION to them; but DON'T do that other thing. Don't even SAY that other thing...

1: It's not like you can get a word caught in your throat, like a bad piece of halibut or somethin'...

2: Would you just bear with me?

1: Fine .

2: So?

1: What?

2: What did she say?

1: Oh. It was the respect thing. The You-Don't-Love-Me thing. The Keep the-Goddamn-Lid-of-the-Toilet-Seat-Down thing.

2: You see? This is why I won't get married. What'd you tell her?


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