• Saturn Red, promiscuous as he is, should be confronted with multiple paternity suits. In fact, this could be his slang for all lawyers: "Paternity Suits." • The Redeemers could uncover a hidden alien doomsday device, dormant since World War II, which they accidentally activate while screwing around with it. Unable or unwilling to deal with the threat, they seek out the early hyper-gene recipients, The Thirty-eight Second Man and The American Way. The story could be told in parallel, with the young agents in WWII set ting up the story, and then helping the Redeemers deal with the ramifica tions in the present. Of course, both teams would be alternately helped and hindered by the time-travelling Troublemaker. • It could be revealed that every time Deadbolt uses his electrical powers, he loses a memory or a simple ability. It then becomes a major issue how willing he is to put the lives and safety of others above his own well-being. • Buzzbomb scavenges parts from a failed Vargas construct, Venus Blue, and incorporates the devices into his armor. The suit gains a limited aware ness and Billy has to fight to control his own suit from within, without endangering New Jericho and her innocent citizens. • Troublemaker allies herself more strongly to this time in general and to the Redeemers in particular. This builds to a cross-time confrontation with other versions of herself, as well as a battle royale with Law and his forces. • Rush negotiates a hostage crisis in the local mall. Barred from using her powers, because of the threat of mayhem if she powers up indoors, she’s forced to provide medical aid to the terrorists. • Teen Squeeze offers a "Win a date with Saturn Red" contest, and the win ner would rather spend the time with the socially inept Buzzbomb, much to the chagrin of Saturn Red and Rush. Many wacky hi-jinks ensue…
…except, you know, they didn’t . As far as I know, nothing’s going on with Casual Heroes, and it’s too bad. I quite liked the world they lived in, even though it really only ever existed in this bible. Sometimes corporate comics just don’t give the baby enough nutrition and it withers on the vine like some kind of plant-baby metaphor.
This thing, though.
That was a lot of work.
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