
national protection/media onslaught.

Newly renamed the "Hall of Redemption," the stately Victorian looks like many of the other buildings built for the families of the Canadatown boss es. Unlike the shanty-like rowhouses built for the lumberjacks and their families, the Edwardian and Victorian homes on the other side of the city were built to be lasting monuments to an ornate age. With the government ordered "improvements," however, the old Victorian became a wonder of modern design. While leaving the outer shell of the original building intact, government specialists outfitted the inner core of the mansion with all manner of updated devices. The front foyer and, indeed, most of the first floor’s original floor plan has remained intact. A covered porch circles the north, east, and west sides of the house. Leaded glass frames the front door, rumored to be made from timber from Captain Block’s scuttled Contemporaneous . The entranceway features an inlaid marble foyer made from the first shipment of cargo to New Jericho on the completed Transcontinental Railroad: white marble from the quarries in Danbury, Vermont. An oaken staircase leads to the upper floors. But underneath the staircase, hidden behind an inlaid bookcase, is the access to the sub-base ments that house training rooms, gymnasiums, the arcade, and The Redeemers’ personal Blockbuster franchise. The second floor is the administration offices and the relatively Spartan quarters for the support staff, while the third and fourth floors are reserved for The Redeemers themselves. While these rooms have not been glimpsed by many outsiders, Saturn Red’s quarters are said to feature a plush, vibrating bed in the shape of his costume’s logo. • Sabotage accidentally shoots and paralyzes an innocent bystander dur ing one of the Redeemers’ "publicity stunts." If she’s such a perfect marks man, how does this happen? How does she deal with the fact that she’s harmed a citizen she’s sworn to protect? • The Great Vargas should be a recurring villain. Bitter about losing the top spot to the handsome Saturn Red, Vargas will use his mastery of robotics to stymie the Redeemers every chance he gets. He began with Metal-Urge, a massive, hulking robot of raw power and brute strength. The Redeemers fought him to a draw, holding their position until Saturn Red was able to overcome him. This was one of their first unstaged, that is, "real" battles. Periodically, he seemingly returns from the "dead" to harass the Redeemers with a bold new robotic menace. Strangely, there are skylights in every fourth floor room. Springboards


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