
Wunderbar, now calling himself "The Great Vargas," vows vengeance against his father for applying a corrupted version of the hyper-gene effect and vengeance against those who benefitted from the superior process. The Great Vargas refuses to let his father be redeemed by his success with the perfected hyper-gene process, and vows to destroy his father’s team of mystery teens.

Our Heroes

The six teens code-named by the government are:

Saturn Red is the laid-back leader of "The Redeemers," the name they’ve taken in honor of the elder Vargas’ success. He tries to play the role of a good super hero, but he’s too jaded to really be an inspiration to the kids back home. All he’s looking for is a few good endorsement contracts, a soft place to sleep at night and a soft babe to share it with. His hyper-gene power is, at first blush (so to speak), a bit silly. He has independent control over his own pheromones. Oh, sure, that’s not much good in a battle with a super villain, but he’s never home watching COPS alone on a Saturday night, either. He’s got nifty energy bracelets, though, called "Saturn’s Rings." Provided to him by the Air Force’s Langley Experimental Weapons Division of the government, the Rings (worn as wrist gauntlets) allow him to coalesce free radical hydronium ions (H3O) from the atmosphere, strip the extra hydro gen electron from orbit around the di-hydrogen oxide molecule and focus the resultant energy cascade into a truck-stopping burst of energy.

He never has trouble opening mayonnaise jars.

That’s a cool thing about being a super-hero.

And he can fly.

Deadbolt , former leader of New Jericho’s most vicious gang of recycling scavengers, now is a master of electricity. He’s able to marshal all forms of electrical energy and focus it as precise blasts from his hands. This has the sometimes not altogether unpleasant side effect of muddling the electrical impulses of his neural synapses.

He tries not to walk on carpets in his socks.

He can fly, too.

Troublemaker , withdrawn ice queen from another time, is a mystery to even


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