
increase in general intelligence, and his specific aptitude for mechanical construction increases by an order of magnitude. This success prompts Vargas the elder to massage the hyper-gene effect. He finally realizes Reagan’s dream of a team of super-powered protectors of America, and a return to the patriotic glory days.


Doctor Vargas, against the protestations of his now super-brained son, applies the refined hyper-gene effect to the DNA of several local "volun teers" with the intention of having Wunderbar Vargas lead a super-powered team of heroes. Government agents spirit college freshmen majoring in political science or the humanities out of their dorms in the dead of night, hypnotized, sedated, or just plain drunk, and deliver them to Vargas’ labo ratory for application of the hyper-gene treatment. He has unqualified suc cess with five teens, known to him only by theirgovernment-supplied code names. After government agents explain their super powers and outline their new situations, including saving the world on a regular basis (more on this later) and as role models for America’s youth, the six teens have an unanimous response:


They are, after all, a product of their times.

They’re slackers.

Meanwhile, young Vargas’ DNA starts to reject the hyper-gene.

As Fate would have it, the increase in measurable intellect has an adverse effect on his person. Wunderbar "ages" rapidly, exhibiting the physical form of a man three times his chronological age.

As he masters the complex sciences of artificial intelligence and robotics, his skin turns a sallow green.

He develops myopia.

Never a hit at parties, saddled with a silly family name, AND now appear ing around sixty years old and green to boot, Wunderbar Vargas can not get a date.

This makes him mad.


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