
If Dracula and the Wolfman are two members of a love triangle, who completes the triangle? - Stephen Surratt, Sleepless in Amityville Look no further than this passage from Rev Werewolf 3:16 - “And I sayeth unto them that everyone has eyes for Frankenstein’s Monster. EVERYONE. As a matter of fact, if someone says they hate ole Frank, it says way more about THEM than it does about him.” For real, Frank’s the best. Hi Rev, first time correspondent, long time reader. Say someone just survived an attack by the Wolfman but before the change takes effect, they are also bitten by Dracula…. what happens? Asking for a friend - thanks! - Rick Hull, Ballin’ at Belasco House Well, what we end up getting is a virtual VOLTRON OF MONSTER AWESOMENESS. Vampiric werewolves? Sign me up coach! I’m told the Wolfman has something called “nards”... is this a weakness or is it some kind of congenital disease or something? - Jared Wann, Curious in Castle Rock Silver bullets are expensive, I get it… but as a werewolf myself, I have a “just say no” policy when it comes to getting kicked in the ole Transylvanian coin purse. My cousin’s a werewolf and I need some tonsorial advice - is a perm in this fall… or perhaps a blowout? - Ben Grimes, Howlin’ in Haddonfield Ever since the great Oliver Reed made it cool in Curse of the Werewolf, the best lycanthrope hairstyle has been the combination mutton chop/beard/ducktail look. Its so iconic, in fact, that X-Men standout Wolverine even has the same basic cut! The Rev will have to do some digging to discover if there is indeed any connection! If you have a question burning a hole in your soul, write it on a piece of anointed parchment and drop it in your nearest mailbox while thinking of the good Rev. Werewolf.


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