
Creepy Palookas and Fiendish Jabronis for Your Classic Horror Games Loyal Lowlifes: Spooking and stalking are not easy work! Creeps in-the-know have a sidekick on call to make sure the job gets done without too many fingerprints attached. Let’s see who is lurking in the shadows!

The Igor This ghoulish gourmet considers every individual ingredient when prepping the recipe for reanimation. Rogue scientists depend on an Igor to make sure only the freshest organs and body parts are “on-hand” when perfecting The Experiment. A strong back and a way with sharp instruments are necessary skills when considering applicants. Igors can lift and carry twice their weight and wield daggers with surgical precision. Always on high alert, they only have a 2 in 6 chance of being caught while robbing graves.


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