
The Haunt of Secrets: 1d10 Horror-Themed Rumors to Kickstart Your Latest Horror-Themed Game “You hear about that mess up Barnaby Way? Someone stole the headstone off of Captain Blachard’s grave. Two nights later they found those kids out on the inlet. All cut up. What a damn mess. Still haven’t found the headstone either…” “Folks around here swear there’s devil worshipers up on the mountain. They’ve been saying that crap since the 70s. Just because there’s some old moonshiner caves up there and some kids spray painted a bunch of weird stuff on them doesn’t mean anything. Everyone’s saying that’s where that Milligan kid went missing, but he always was a weird sort anyways.” 1 2

“That dang ole thing came out of the fog. One minute it was there and the next it was gone. I aint never seen nuthin’ like it… eyes as big as headlights and a mouth full of crooked teeth. Had a scream like a scalded bobcat. You couldn’t pay me enough money to go back in them woods.” “We don’t have to talk about it. Anybody would have done what we done… and stop worrying about it! We put her down that well and no one’s ever going to find her. Not as long as y’all can keep your mouths shut that is. You can do that, right?” “Y’all know Bob Watkins? Yeah, Bobby’s daddy. Somethin’ aint right with him. Not since he found that thing down by the swamp and quit his job at the school. He keeps sayin’ things like “the stars are right” and goin’ on’ about a “black goat in the woods with a thousand young”. Never heard nuthin’ like it. Damn shame them folks has fallen on hard times.”





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