Thank you for reading this book! HELL BABES is written, drawn, colored, lettered, designed, & published by Diego Gómez with editing assistance by Justin Hall, William O. Tyler, & Rita Sapunor.
HELL BABES #1 (sans cover, pinups & mural) was originally published in August 2019 in the anthology THEATER OF TERROR: REVENGE OF THE QUEERS by Northwest Press & Peaches Christ.
In the Summer of 2020, Emma @CBS found Hell Babes in THEATER OF TERROR & optioned the rights to make a Hell Babes TV show! The pitch didn’t get picked up but throughout following year I hired my favorite artists to draw Hell Babes pin-ups. In 2022, I took a Character Design for Animation class taught by X-Men `97 director @SaintChase & thought.. What if: HELL BABES: THE ANIMATED SERIES! Many businesses have closed since the beginning of the pandemic & in part because of this, I was offered the opportunity to paint murals on shuttered buildings. My 13th & biggest mural so far is about 10-feet tall, 180-feet wide & HELL BABES -THEMED! This mural wraps around the building where they filmed the INTERVIEW WITH A VAMPIRE scene with Brad Pitt & Christian Slater & is located at 1000 Market Street, San Francisco. Around 100 community volunteers helped me paint it in about 7 days!
ABOUT THE COVER: Queen of Hell (Babes) Trangela is holding a photo of my decapitated crying head that wound up being an INSTAGRAM ANIMATED GIF , usable in the stories/sticker section of !
You can use the TRANGELA gif by searching BEARD, BEARDED DRAG, DRAG, or DRAG QUEEN.
HeLL Babes, vOl. 1.5, SecoNd priNTiNg. CoPyriGhT © 2019 DiEgO GómEz. ALL riGhTs rEsErveD. PuBLishEd bY DesiGnNurd. No pArT oF tHis pUbLiCaTiOn mAy bE rEpRoDuceD or tRaNsMiTTeD, iN aNy fOrm or bY aNy mEaNs (excEpt fOr sHort excErpts fOr jOurnALisTiC or rEViEw pUrposes), WiThOuT tHe expReSS wriTTeN pErMiSSiOn oF DiEgO GómEz. ALL nAmEs, cHaRactErs, eVeNts, aNd lOcAlEs iN tHis pUbLiCaTiOn aRe eNTireLy fiCTiOnAl. AnY rEsEmblAnces tO actUaL pErsoNs: LiViNg, dEad or uNdEad, eVeNts, or plAcEs, WiThOuT sATiriC iNtEnt, aRe cOiNcideNtAl. For LiCeNsiNg iNfOrmaTiOn, cOntact DesiGnNurd@gmAiL.cOm or @DesiGnNurd eVeryWhErE eLsE.
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