94840 Diego Gomez 1963_PROOF
April 15th
April 16th
Elston Howard is the 1st black Yankee & 1st
black player ever voted American League MVP.
70,000 marchers arrive in London from Aldermas ton, to demonstrate against nuclear weapons.
April 12th. Election Day, hundreds of Mexicans in Crystal City, Texas, gather to do something that most had never done before: vote! Although Mexican-Americans outnumbered Anglos by 2-to-1, Anglos controlled all five seats on the city council. when the election was over, “Los Cinco” had beat all five white incumbents.
The “Letter from Birmingham Jail” was MLK Jr’s response to “A Call for Unity,” a statement made by 8 white Alabama clergymen against King & his methods in a newspaper from April 12th. King writes: “because segregation distorts the soul & damages the personality, It gives the segregator a false sense of superiority & the segregated a false sense of inferiority.”
Divine meets John Waters in Baltimore, Maryland This month.
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After King ' s arrest, profits of the retail chains in downtown Birmingham began to erode. National business owners pressed the Kennedy administration to intervene. King is released on 4/20.
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U.S. postal worker William Moore – member of the Baltimore chapter of Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) & former U.S. Marine, embarks on a solo freedom journey from Chattanooga, TeNnessee, to Jackson, mississippi.
April 20th
Moore stops at the White House 1st to tell the President that he plans to hand-deliver his letter in support of integration to Mississippi Gov. Ross Barnett, but isn’t granted a meeting. pushing his gear in a postal handcart & wearing a sandwich-board, he attracts a lot of attention. His body is discovered on April 23 by the side of U.S. Highway 11, in Attalla, ALabama with two bullets in his head.
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