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Val Carter’s Guide to Merfolk

natural toxin. Any living creature who makes prolonged contact with your skin must make a Constitu tion Saving Throw DC 6+ your Charisma Modifier or become poi soned. Upon a successful Saving Throw the creature does not have to make the saving throw again until the end of your next turn. Coils of the Deep Ancestry You have inherited the serpentine tentacles of your aquatic heritage granting you the ability to manip ulate and ensnare objects and crea tures. Those with the Coils of the Deep Ancestry tend to stick to them selves, letting their art express what they are feeling, be it with murals painted on the hulls of ships, tattoos etched in skin, or songs written by those who bask in the spotlight. Their reach is long but they delight in see ing others shine. You gain the following features. Extended Reach: Due to the rubbery nature of your limbs, unarmored,

your unarmed attacks have a range of 10 ft. Grasping Limbs: As an action you can extend one of your limbs to make a melee attack against a crea ture within 10 ft. of you. On a hit, the target takes 1d6+ your Cha risma modifier bludgeoning dam age and must succeed a Strength Saving Throw DC 8 + your Cha risma modifier or be grappled by your limb. While grappled in this way, the target is restrained, and you can’t use that limb to attack or to grapple another target. The grapple ends if you release the target, the target escapes using its action to make a Strength or Dex terity (Acrobatics) check against a DC 8+ your Charisma modifier, or you are incapacitated or reduced to Zero hit points. Absorbent Skin: The nature of your skin and unique aquatic physiol ogy makes you more susceptible to both natural and manufactured poisons. When you take damage


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