ing to rewatch something. I was skimming titles and came upon one I think people may have passed over. A very, very solid foreign film.
Brotherhood of the Wolf
This starts in 18th century France, where a man and his companion are tasked with discovering the cause of some murders in an area of France supposedly bedevilled by a creature. Already on that alone, I was hooked. But the main character, Fronsac , and his companion Mani are traveling by horseback and come upon two vagrants being chased by some goons. The two men proceed to handle the situation, with Mani doing some pretty awe some stick fighting/martial arts against these men. Modern Kung-fu set in 18th century France. Yeah, this movie is a ride already. But that is all I will give you. There is action, mystery, and even light elements of horror throughout. You must see this. Okay, but there are other things to mention. The cast. I know I normally call out the first two actors but I’m changing that up a bit. Fronsac, or technically Knight Grégoire de Fronsac is played by Samuel Le Bihan. He is a pretty decent French actor that I only really know from Three Colors Red and Frontiers. One which is before and one after this one. But he’s solid in this flick. And then his companion, Mani. Mani is presented as an Iroquois with some awesome tattoos, played by the wonderful Mark Dacascos. I could probably do a book on the flicks I have seen him in, but let’s start with my favorites. Only the Strong, Double Dragon, Crying Freeman and of course Keanu needed him as a villain in John Wick 3 . He is amazing in this flick and his kung-fu adds so much to this movie. Let’s round out the cast. The man assigned to watch these two is Marquis Thomas d’Apcher (yup, i am looking up the names because I watch it subtitled) played by Jérémie Renier. Not a very popular actor in the states, but a very acclaimed Belgian actor. The main character has two essential love interests, the first is the countess of the area they are inves tigating in. She is played by Émilie Dequenne, another Belgian actress, but I know her from winning the best actress award in Cannes for Rosetta . She was also in The Girl on the Train , which i also liked. And Fronsac’s second love interest, an Italian beauty from the local brothel, Monica Bellucci. Boom . She is on fire in this movie. As pretty as I recall ever seeing an actress in a flick. And if you don’t know her, she is one of the vampires in Bram Stoker’s Dracula. Or Persephone in Matrix 2 and 3 . Oh, she also was in Spectre at 50 and historically slated to be to be the oldest Bond Girl, but man, she does not look it. Okay, enough about her, the last person to mention is the count of the area Fronsac is investigating. That is Jean François de Morangias, played by Vincent Cassel. He is one of my favorite actors in the world, and I didn’t realize he was married to Bellucci, hence them overlapping in flicks. But he is in Dobermann, Irréversible, Eastern Promises, Black Swann, The Crimson River (which I need to write about) and so many more. A killer cast all around.
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