93055_RAA_CatacombsofGore_R2 Proof lowres
Name: Ogre (Come in groups of 1d4)
HP: 84
Racial Bonus: +7 Large Creature (Grit, Agility, Vitality) Horror? : 15 (Alone) -- Movement: 14 FT Actions: 2 Actions Per Turn Can Read? No -- Armor: 19 Natural --- STATS;
Grit 9 (+7) 16
Agility 4 (+7) 11
Spells: (6 Spell Slots) (Arcana Lore +3) -Shockwave (Lvl 3)
Will 3
Speech 3
Description: Living among the mountain regions, these large beasts of burden tend to keep to themselves unless provoked.
Knowledge 3
Vitality 9 (+7) 16 --- SKILLS: +3 (Melee, Intimidation, Survival) ---
Immunities: N/A
Attack: +19 to Roll (Grit 9 + Racial Bonus +7 + Melee 3 + Average Weapon 0) Weapon: Great Club (Avg +0) Dmg: 1d20 + 10 ---
Vulnerabilities: Above Average made weapons
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