93055_RAA_CatacombsofGore_R2 Proof lowres
Name: Human Cultist (Come in groups of 1d6+3)
HP: 15
Racial Bonus: +2 Horror? : 11 (when in groups of 5 or more) -- Movement: 14 ft Actions: 3 Actions Per Turn Can Read? No -- Armor: 0 Armor to 7 (Cloth) -- STATS;
Grit 4 (+2)
Agility 4
Will 4 (+2)
Speech 4 (+2)
Knowledge 4
Spells: N/A --
Vitality 4 --- SKILLS: +3 Intimidation, Persuasion, Resist --- Attack: +6 To Roll +9 To Roll Intimidation +9 To Roll Persuasion +9 To Roll Resist
Description: weakened and drained from their wicked devotion to sinister rituals, they appear gaunt and hollow. --- Immunities: Illusionary Magic Vulnerabilities: Fire, Above Average Weapons
Dagger (Average +0) Dmg: 2d6+6
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