93055_RAA_CatacombsofGore_R2 Proof lowres

Name: Deceiver (Mimic) (Groups of 2)

HP: 46

Racial Bonus: +5 Medium Creature (Grit, Agility, Vitality) Horror? : 17 -- Movement: 28ft Actions: 3 Actions Per Turn Armor: 14 Natural --


Grit 5 +5 (10)

Agility 5 +5 (10)

Will 5

-- Spells: ( 9 Spell Slots) (Arcana Lore +4) --- -Illusion (Small) (Lvl 2) DV 14 Resist -Charm (Lvl 3) DV 16 Bravery Check -Invisibility (Lvl 2) DV 14 Concentration Illusion (Major) (Lvl 4) DV 17 Resist

Speech 5

Knowledge 5

Vitality 5 +5 (10) --- SKILLS: +4 Arcana Lore, Melee, Stealth ---

Attack: +14 To Roll ( Grit 5 + Racial Bonus 5+ Melee 4) - - +14 To Roll Stealth - - Weapon: Claw: 2d6 + 5 Dmg Tail Snap 2d6+9 Dmg

Immunities: Illusionary Magic Vulnerabilities: Above Avg Weapons


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