
Name: Human Pirate (Come in groups of 2d6)

Short Sword: Dmg: 2d6

HP: 30

Short Bow Range: 80/320 Ft Dmg: 3d6 ---

Racial Bonus: +2 (Grit Will Speech) Horror? : N/A -- Movement: 18ft Actions: 4 Actions Per Turn Can Read? No -- Armor: 10 Leather -- STATS;

Spells: (Spell Slots 12) (Arcana Lore +4) -Magic Missile (Lvl 1) x12 -- Description: Sea weathered Thugs Immunities: None Vulnerabilities: Fire, Poison, Elemental

Grit 5 (+2) 7

Agility 5

Will 5 (+2) 7

Speech 5 (+2) 7

Knowledge 5

Vitality 5 --- SKILLS: +5 (Melee, Ranged, Arcana Lore) --- Attack: +12 Melee (7 Grit + 5 Melee SKILL) +10 Ranged (5 Agility +5 Ranged SKILL) +11 to Magic Roll ---- Weapon: Each Pirate NPC will choose one type of attack (Melee, Ranged or Magic) and stick with that until dead or encounter is over.


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