STATS & SKILLS GRIT - The ability to persevere through difficult situations and maintain toughness. • Melee - Skill with weapons that are used in close quarters combat, such as swords, axes, and maces. Sometimes used to interact with objects. • Intimidation - The ability to inspire fear or respect in others through body language, tone of voice, or threats. AGILITY - The ability to move quickly and gracefully. • Endurance - The ability to withstand physical strain and endure for long periods. Used for lifting/pushing items. • Stealth - The ability to move silently and remain undetected. • Ranged - Skill with weapons that can be used from a distance, such as bows, crossbows, and guns. • Thievery - The skill of Stealth & Sleight of hand, encompassing a character's proficiency in covert actions and light-fingered exploits. • WILL - The ability to resist or overcome mental/emotional challenges. • Concentration - The ability to maintain focus and avoid distractions. • Resist - The ability to withstand or resist mental or emotional influences, such as fear or mind control. • Bravery - The ability to face danger and fear without flinching. SPEECH - The ability to communicate effectively and influence others. • Persuasion - The ability to convince others to believe or act in a certain way. • Deception - The ability to lie convincingly and conceal the truth. • Negotiation - The ability to reach a compromise and settle disputes. KNOWLEDGE - The ability to acquire and apply information. • Arcana Lore - Knowledge of magical phenomena and how to use it. • History - Knowledge of past events and their significance. • Intuition - The ability to read a person or situation at a glance. • Engineering - Knowledge of mechanics, machines, and crafting. • Investigation - The ability to gather and analyze specific details to solve problems. • VITALITY - The ability to heal or sustain life. • First Aid - The ability to provide emergency medical treatment. • Herbalism - Knowledge of plants and their medicinal properties. • Survival - The ability to live off the land and to adapt to changing environments.
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