
change his attitudes and habits… but remember the flicks he told you he liked, and I’m betting that no matter what makes his list, there’s a few comics that would appeal to the same sort audience those movies had. This is easy if he likes big, dumb Michael Bay movies, because there are all sorts of splashy adventure comics. But you can do this forever, with a little practice… Like The Matrix ? Read The Invisibles or any Geoff Darrow stuff. Like The West Wing? Check out Eagle . Groove on David Mamet’s dia logue from Glengarry Glen Ross ? So does Brian Michael Bendis. In fact, I’d be hard-pressed to think of a good and popular movie from the last forty years that doesn’t have a correlating comic book doppleganger. There’s stuff for people to read and enjoy. That’s not the problem. The problem lies in making them aware of it. If you want to save comics, that’s how to do it. Change the habits of one or two of your friends. Just turn them on to all that comics can provide. And you can bet they’ll tell two friends. And so on… and so on… and so on… Wake up, Little Susie July 27, 2001 Well, there it is: Marvel has officially gone cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs with edi tor-in-chief Joe Quesada’s keynote speech to retailers. But before I get to that latest bit of dance-band-on-the-Titanic, and actual speculation about whether Joe Quesada has been dropped on his head or not, let me tell you a little about San Diego:

That comic book convention kicked ass.

I know that there are all sorts of folks in the world who have opinions who differ and who support other shows and who get all polarized about who did-what-and-when and whatnot, and get all serious about the net effect of what these things do for comics in general…

…but from my point of view, San Diego kicked ass.

And not just sales-wise, either. You may know I’ve got my own publishing house, and we set up a booth, there. I’m not talking about commercialism, per se; I’m talking about the high level of enthusiasm that every single per son I talked to exhibited about comic books in general.

I’m living the dream, I am, because I love comics. I love comics so much,


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