Well, just that it’s not exactly a secret how the world works.
If you have a waiting audience for your comic, you should produce your comic and ship it. Your audience will buy the comic, and they will give you money. You can use the money to pay your bills, and to produce more comics. Which more people will buy, and will give you even more money. This cycle continues until you retreat to your secret underground base in one of the non-descript fly-over states to plot your world domination.
Or. You may have an idea to advance the distribution or the printing or the marketing or the retailing of comic books.
Or. You may feel, as a comic book reader, that you are being overlooked or oppressed or marginalized.
Or. You may feel that "people" are not responding to you, or to your opin ions, or to your work.
Or. You do not like how things are going, in general.
Well, it’s not exactly a secret how the world works.
In fact, Tennessee Ernie Ford sang a great song about it in 1955.
If you don’t like how things are going: change it.
Pick up your shovel and walk to the mine.
There’s a Chimpanzee at the Dinner Table July 13, 2001
Boy, did I set everyone off to the keyboards last week.
You may recall that I bravely and stoutly enjoined those of you who still care to get off your collective duffs and do something to save the form of entertainment you profess to love instead of belly-aching all over the Internet about how Omega the Unknown should be the next comic given the Marvel Knights treatment. I cribbed a line from "Sixteen Tons" and said that if you really care about saving comics, you should "pick up the shovel and walk to the mine." Even though I had promised a little less subtlety in these things, I still can’t stop
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