then it should be easy to do with comics. Because despite popular opin ion, comics are much cooler than some old soy latte or low fat cappucci no. "It’s all about applying real-world techniques that make business success ful to the comic store model. Atmosphere and high class. Restaurants and clothes stores work the atmosphere angle… why can’t I? If any place deserves to have kick-ass atmosphere it’s a comic store."
And that’s Comics and Da-Kind, in a nutshell; the kick-ass comics store.
My Fuse is Lit June 15, 2001
The time for subtlety has passed.
No longer will I write, say, a column extolling the virtues of thinking for one’s self and then follow it with a column about a comic shop owner who exhibits these qualities and expect people to get the point without metaphorically holding your hands down the path straight from one to the other. I realize there’s a long seven days in between each one of these columns and that many, if, in fact, not most of you indeed have lives outside those of the average comics enthusiast which may entail doing something other than chewing over these philosophical nuggets I craft just for you.
So here’s the main point of this one: I give a shit about comics.
Those of you who do not give a shit about comics are invited to click away off to some other likely diversion on the Internet.
No, really.
If there’s a doubt in your mind whether or not you give a shit about comics, just stop reading, and go find one of those endless flash animations about cows or something. I only want the serious people here, because The Shit Is Going To Start To Come Down, and you’ll only piss off the serious peo ple with your inevitable belly-aching.
Serious people? It’s time… wait. You, there; in the back. Yeah, you with the ill-fitting Lady Death t-shirt? Get. The Fuck. Out.
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