
in turn, want to challenge me right back. Those collaborations -- that con stant exploration and experimentation with different artistic visionaries -- are the main reasons I do this.

What are your plans for the X-Men and for Superman?

Larry, my friend, this question is so beneath you.

Well, old newsletter habits die hard.

OK, just for the hell of it… I plan on continuing to twist and contort the biggest icons in the industry to suit my own selfish and perverse needs. When expectations are at their highest, I will most likely throw a curve ball that dashes all hopes. I’ve done it before. And when no one is looking, I’ll be doing some of the most exciting work of my career on these old, dusty characters. I will alternate equally between alienating the core fanbase of each series and then giving them the slickest versions they’ve ever seen. I’ll be reaching out for the next generation of readers and giving the old farts a perfect opportunity to move on. How’s that for an answer? To sum up: Blah, blah, blah… hype, hype, hype… buy, buy, buy… sell, sell, sell…

You crass bastard. What conventions are you hitting this summer? Where can people find you?

The big two. Comic-Con International in San Diego and WizardWorld in Chicago. France is a possibility for the fall.

I’ll let you have the last word…

Carry on, Agent Young.

The Rules Do Not Apply To You June 1, 2001 This week past I have been subjected to more than my usual torrent of emails asking me THE SECRET OF SUCCESS IN COMICS. These folks want to break into comics, or start self-publishing, or, I dunno, want to have a beer with Marcia Allass…

…and don’t want to hear that the only way to do any of that is through dint of hard work.

Of course, I refer these short-cutters to the archive of columns I wrote


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