
Is The Anti-Christ Come To Destroy Comics, depending upon your point of view. One thing is for certain: Casey is a talented writer whose work engen ders a passionate allegiance one way or the other. Renowned for his work on Cable, Deathlok, Hulk, "Codeflesh" for DOUBLE IMAGE, and WILD CATS, Joe is poised to rip the head off of comics and shit down its neck at the helm of the two flagship characters of the two biggest companies: Joe is writing UNCANNY X-MEN for Marvel and ADVENTURES OF SUPERMAN for DC. I wanted to know what's going on in his head, and I figured you would, too: First off: I have to congratulate you on handling your career so well. Even a talented writer doesn't go from Nowhere to Krypton in six short years without hitting all the right notes. So, it's good to be Joe Casey? I’m still here, still working, still causing trouble… so that must say some thing about my tenacity, at least. I guess it’s good. What the hell, I don’t know any other way to be. What am I gonna say, Larry… that it sucks to be me? Some days it does… most days it doesn’t. We’re working in comics, for chrissakes! Could there be a cooler job in the world? Ya got me there. I know you have a unique view of comics, what with writ ing the flagship characters of Marvel and DC, the high profile WILDCATS for Image, as well as your creator-owned work with DOUBLE IMAGE. What's your take on comics in America right now? Still circling the drain? Or light at the end of the tunnel? I think the work that’s appearing on the stands, the creativity, and the tal ent involved in comics right now is rapidly outpacing the current -- but somewhat outmoded -- delivery systems. Most of the creators I dig are much better than the backwards-ass industry they toil in month-in, month out. They deserve better. As a medium, we’re ready to stomp all over the bookstore chains if the publishers can get us there. Actually, my optimism is at an all-time high. Maybe it’s the drugs, but I’m on the verge of finally doing the types of projects I got into this industry to do, so I’m a relative ly happy guy. Obviously, the Internet has played a big role in helping to get the word out about your various projects. Here's one most of our readers want to hear the definitive answer from you on: what's up with your weekly web column, "Crash Comments"? The column will be back whenever I damn well feel like bringing it back. Doran and Brady are industry buds, so I obviously feel like they offer up a safe haven for my capricious flights of joyous vitriol and my bitter love let ters to this medium. They certainly don’t need me… they soldier on


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