
"Talent Deserving of Wider Recognition" category, and he's got my vote, I can tell you that.

But you may have never seen a copy of Electric Girl.

If you're getting a little jaded with comics, and you're tired of hearing about the latest non-starter from one of the "big" companies, or you're thinking about giving up the superheroes because "there's nothing good to read any more"; if you're just looking for a piece of entertainment that's innocent and fun without being sappy and cloying, or if you're just looking to add a little umami to your comics habit, make another mark on your pre-order form because you've been using the excellent www.orderingcomics.com, right, and pick up the adventures of a teen with electric powers, the grem lin who causes her trouble, and her dog Blammo. And when Brennan gets his Eisner, and signs that lucrative animation deal, and Blammo blimps hover over major sporting events, you can tell your friends about the fifth taste. And how somebody somewhere is still making comic books that just make the whole thing worthwhile. Filled with the Milk of Human Kindness May 4, 2001 Maybe this is just the whisky talking, but I just couldn’t be happier with the state of comics right now. Last year at this time, I was bemoaning to myself about how all the luster had seemed to have left the biz. Sure, I was excited to be a writer and a publisher, and I couldn’t seem to have any more enthusiasm for the indus try and for the form itself, but I wasn’t around when Marvel was disappoint ed with the sales of Punisher War Journal #1 and its measly 500,000 copies. My expectations were right down there, so anything seemed good to me. Somedays, just a look at the ol’ bookshelf, with a few spines looking out at me with my name on ‘em, and a few other critical darlings sporting the name of my company…

…well, it’d be disingenuous of me to say I’m nothing but thrilled.

Most of my pals, though, were all decrying The End Of Comics As We Know


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