blurbs and attaboys
(re: Come in Alone and Loose Cannon ) “Warren Ellis and Larry Young’s writings of the period are very much the foundation of a lot
of today’s indie sales methods.” -- Heidi MacDonald, The Beat
“Larry Young is exactly who you expect him to be, in person and on the page.” -- Jordan Scott, daredevil “Larry Young reinvented comics for the 21st century.” -- Richard Johnston, Bleeding Cool “One of Larry’s gifts as a writer is the ability to be witty, with brevity.” -- Mark Finn, a thief, a reaver, a slayer “Perhaps it might be damning with faint praise to refer to AiT/Planet Lar’s output as ‘somewhere between utter shit and Great Art’ but that’s more or less where I imagine Larry Young himself sees himself.” -- Tegan O'Neil, When Will the Hurting Stop “If you are wondering if it’s you, or him... it’s always you.” -- Russ Tinkess, Thorne “I must say I think it’s awesome that Replica Prop Forum members still have Larry Young quotes as their sig files.” -- Daniel Balschi, Director of Operations, Crowne Plaza “If one is to believe the online rhetoric around Young, spending time near the publisher would be roughly equivalent to joining a comic-book fraternity, where comics chat is interspersed with talk of fine liquors to be consumed and aggressively macho movies to be celebrated.” -- Tom Spurgeon, The Comics Journal
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