did the night before.
The Internet is a harsh mistress…
All of this may be a little arch from a guy who uses the Internet to his advantage to help put his funny books into your hands, and is writing to you here on the premier comic book news website.
But it’s the beginning of the Time When It All Changed.
And we’re all just sorting out our dance partners.
One Last Adventure February 16, 2001
All right; right off the bat I want you to promise me you don’t send me email extending your condolences about my dead cat.
Everybody’s got things they have to deal with in their personal life; this is just one of those things in the background I have to deal with. You’ve got your stuff; I’ve got mine. Doesn’t mean the world stops; we’re all in it together.
But believe it or not, my dead cat put a fine point on something I’ve long noticed as being wrong with the comic book industry.
But first let’s bring you up to date:
Two weeks ago, the cat I’ve lived with for the last eight years went out through his little cat door, first thing in the morning. Unlike most other days, he didn’t come back at dinner time. This, in itself, was not a panic, because he’s a tomcat. Prone to going out and tom-catting around. Hence the name. It was in his personality, though, for him to not let us know if he was injured, or sick. One legendary time, he lost a fight with one of those roving bands of urban street raccoon gangs that is one of San Francisco’s dirty little secrets. Hard to imagine groups of these smelly, thuggish bastards picking through trash, flashing raccoon gang-signs at domestic cats minding their own business outside… but it happens. I’ve seen it. Anyway, Tom mixed it up with some raccoons out in the world. Back in the neighborhood where we used to live. Where we had our apartment, before we bought the house. He got away, but suffered some puncture wounds on his hindquarters. The next day, by the time the missus and I noticed he
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