
1: Thee and thine, here and there.

2: About what?

1: This and that.

2: And what's the verdict?

1: You're not ready for love.

2: Love's not ready for ME, cowboy.

1: That WAS an option that was briefly bandied about, toyed with, let out side to pee, and then finally taken to the vet and put out of its misery.

2: A nice metaphor.

1: It's what I do.


So, there you go; from me to you. Want to draw a comic but don’t know what to do? Draw two folks saying that to each other. Nine panel grids, action, response. Two panels xeroxed over and over and over, I don’t care; however you want to lay it out. Cut out what you want, swap it around, whatever. Maybe you’ll even read this and say to yourself, "Hell, I can do better than that.

Well, show us.

Just do a comic. Throw all that stuff together, put it in the oven, and bake that casserole. Twenty-Two Panels That Always Work December 21, 2001 Lately I’ve been on a tear, trying to get all of the folks who email me about comic book production to just make a comic for themselves. Last week, if you’ll recall, I offered up some dialogue for artists who couldn’t hook up with writers… and then I got a whole bunch of email from writers asking me what they could do without artists.


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