2: mmm?
1: Your Great Great Aunt.
2: ...we called her Anty. My mom called her Anty and we called her Anty. Anty.
1: Anty. Is she still alive?
2: Somewhere. She's in a Rest Home I think. Anyway...
1: Not "Auntie"?
2: No. Anty. (pause) I come from one of those states that uses both pro nunciations. I have aunts and I have ants. So Anty got kind of sick a few years after my Great Grandfather died
1: Her brother?
2: ...yeah.
1: What did you call him?
2: I don't remember. It was a long time ago. So she gets kind of sick, see?, and she starts hearing these voices...
1: Ahh.
2: But not like the Night Whispers, see? These are different. It's like she's eavesdropping in on the conversations of this one family. They just talk about stuff and she can hear them clear as if they were in the room with her.
1: Cool. Did they ever acknowledge her? Like, you know... talk to her..?
2: I asked that same thing.. No. No, they didn't. (pause) But I always used to imagine what it would be like if they did.
2: Did you read about that guy who got frostbite a couple years ago..? The guy who dug his fingers so far up his nose he touched his brain..?
1: (involuntarily spits a bit of his sip) Bleah!!
2: Yeah. This guy was stranded on a mountain or something and he lost all the feeling in his fingers so, when he picked his nose, he didn't know when to stop. Was rooting around up there for a while, apparently. Now he hears
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