And that’s not even mentioning the operatic reconstruction of what it must be like over at Batman writer Ed Brubaker’s goat farm up in Northern California… "Say my name, she-goat!" "E-e-e-e-eddddd! E-e-e-e-eddddd!" or the sheer fanboy infrastructure that needs to be in place to have "Larry Young" be the Commander of the S.H.I.E.L.D. Air Cavalry in Cable or the S.H.I.E.L.D. agent who swaps bodies and minds with an unstoppable robot engine of destruction in Deathlok or who takes Nick Fury’s dictation in the latest issue of Fury . Honestly, S.H.I.E.L.D. rank-and-file must be made up of Larry Young clones, or something. I swear to God, the serious ones are talking about comics all the damn time. Because we love comics so. Casual Heroes November 23, 2001 Seems as though the columns I do that get the most enthusiastic respons es are the ones that I either spank some deserving moron or offer up one of the what-might-have-been things from the AiT/Planet Lar archives. Back in 1996, my pal Tom Fassbender (who’s doing great work now on Dark Horse’s Buffy comic) was editor over at the Image/Motown imprint. He asked me to do up a script from a Kevin McCarthy plot for the never-pub lished Casual Heroes issue four, as well as firm up a series bible they could use to shop the thing around Hollywood. If you ever saw Casual Heroes #1, you know what a shame it is that the property fizzled out. I thought this series bible was a pretty cool take on superheroes in the late Nineties… But what do comics folk do for fun, when they’re not talking about comics?
Casual Heroes is not your run-of-the-mill super-heroic adventure.
Well, okay, in some ways it is . We’ve got powerful, good-looking guys. We’ve got gorgeous femmes fatale. We’ve got mad scientists, lustful robots, pet cats, and a secret headquarters...
...but our guys...
Well, they’re slackers.
Generation X.
The generation that has, shall we say, inherited the earth. Generations past
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