
And I had always loved that. Randomly open a Bible, point at a spot on the page, and write, thematically, about the passage you’ve selected. It’s so odd, it’s gone all the way around the world to become genius, again. So whenever I have need to jump start the grey-matter, I do the same thing. Grab a book and randomly stab a page and see what happens. Hence the lead-off quote this time. A little exercise to lube us up. In honor of Uncle Duke, though, I selected his book, Generation of Swine; Gonzo Papers, Volume Two instead of The Bible for my quote. And sure enough, it wasn’t anything Thompson had written that I’d selected, but something that he had quoted. This time, though, and oddly, I wasn’t put in mind of The Future, as one might expect. And by "The Future," I don't mean flying cars and teleporta tion and see-through PVC skirts for both men and women, because you know that’s what we’ll all be wearing a hundred years from now. No, I meant "the future" in that what we all do when we’re doing that which we’re not supposed to be doing. "The Future" is what happens when we’re waiting for the bus, as the missus says. Still. The whole thing works for me.

So it amuses me to tell you what comics guys do when they’re not making comics.

Since you’re reading this on the Internet, chances are you know that the genius Brian Wood was in San Francisco this past week. We made no secret of it. In fact, I was sort of sur prised that no one went to his apart ment in Brooklyn and ripped off his stereo while he was out here, since we had done such a good job of letting the peeps know that he was here and not there. So. If you were thinking about stealing Brian Wood’s stereo and didn’t, I thank you. There came a point in the Brian Wood signing at James Sime’s store, Comics and Da Kind, in-between Bri taking pic tures of himself and Jason Cornett quaffing other people’s ale, that my


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