
Morticia with a '20s flapper haircut, Les is from the Pacific Northwest. She's about 5' 9", and is the reedy thin and pasty-looking guise that's sported by those who spend too much time working code and staying inside. Les'll date any guy who asks her, because most guys are intimidat ed by her; that spells a dearth of dates. She complains incessantly about San Francisco’s weather, claiming that it doesn’t rain enough. She's the eldest Mathemagician, at a senior-citizen 31. Ebola Jones: Once a child model, Ebola (a teenage stage name, held over from a difficult youth) is strikingly beautiful in a classically exotic way. Think of her as Cleopatra, Iman, Betsy Ross and Britt Ekland all rolled into one. Stunningly, expensively attired, she's difficult, elusive, and sought after. Physically, Ebola is a babe cliché. Mentally, however, she has no equal as There There's security girl. No hackers get behind her coded fire walls.


URL: tall blonde guy, a cipher, he'd be the red shirt on a Star Trek landing party. Lives in a house with four guys and six couches. His given name real ly is "Earl," but he's such a code-monster, he insists his friends spell it U R-L. Most apt to crash at the office. Perpetually trying to break up with his girlfriend.

Sundry Others We Will See:

Girlboy: The androgynous mailperson in the building that houses There There. Girlboy always has a perfect comment, and is included not for comedic effect, but as an almost omniscient observer. Is perpetually hun gover, and hides secrets beyond the obvious. Zoey: Zoe’s Estaban's former girlfriend. Worked with URL at a web design firm, she took a gig delivering pizzas after she burned out and the compa ny went belly-up. She's about 5' 6", with a solid frame; she's not slim, but not ample. Shoulder-length hair, a gymnast's build, and a novice's interest in volleyball. She's the kind of gal you can count on, and it's evident by her look. She favors clothes that are a couple of sizes too large; she's got a heavy ice cream habit and shuns hard liquor. Will go out after work to a pub, but orders Diet Coke. Harbors contempt for and a smoldering crush on our boy Estaban. Happy Panda: San Francisco has torpedo-shaped, British-racing-green, metal pods wherein senior citizens sell the daily papers. There's one at Market and New Montgomery where Wilson goes to get information, philos ophize, or just kibbitz with the indeterminably old Asian guy in the pod he


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