for you using code AUG011709 before August 21st, when manual orders are due to the Diamond Comics Processing Center.
Because that’s the kind of cat I am.
Big Wheels From Santa August 24, 2001
Read a lot of crap from folks on the Internet this past week, who were mak ing their pronouncements as if they’d got folks queued up like King Solomon’s Lines , waiting to hear what they have to say about every damn little thing, and the thought occurred to me that no one on the Internet knows anything about anything.
Except me , of course. And here’s why.
Between my junior and senior years as an undergrad at Clark University, quaintly nestled in the heart of New England, I took a year off to get some perspective and earn some more money to go back to school. I ended up in rural Georgia, cutting block granite as a saw operator. That first year was drudgery to live through, but I learned more about How The World Works on the line there than I did my whole time inside the ivy covered walls of academia. First off, I learned to make the distinction between "book sense" and "com mon sense," and witnessed first-hand that the latter trumps the former everywhere outside of school and other "academic" or otherwise sterile dis cussions. Second, I learned from Dennis Hayes, the guy behind me in the saw line, how the Air Cav got its colors back in Vietnam, but that’s sort of tangen tial. Google it up, if you’re interested. Just as I was finishing up a year of this, they realized I was more than just a fool Yankee college boy and that maybe I’d learned enough of How Things Really Go that I could handle my own crew. Of course, I couldn’t wait to get back to New England, until they explained that as a crew chief I’d make nearly three times the money with half the work, and a week off for every three on. Sure, we’d still put in 160 hours a month, but in three weeks instead of four.
I’d run a crew of six on the gang saw and all the attendant paperwork and
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