
beasts & botanicals Potion of the Unforgotten ADVENTURING GEAR (POTION) Category: Items Item Rarity: Very Rare Duration: 1 hour Weight: .5 lb. DESCRIPTION This blue liquid swirls and churns with a slow twisting current that seems to shift and change from moment to moment. INGREDIENTS The Potion of the Unforgotten is made by boiling down 5 pounds of Blue Whisper Bloom flowers, 1 pound of grave dirt, six spider eyes, the fat of a ram, and the skin of a rotten lime. ABILITY When consumed, the user’s skin begins to produce a strange vapor that, when inhaled, causes mild hallucinations. All creatures who breathe within 10 feet of the user for the duration of the Potion of the Unforgotten effects must make a Constitution Saving Throw DC 12. Upon a failed save the face of the potion user takes on the appearance of the creature who failed the saving throw. This effect is so strange and jarring that it causes the creature who failed the Constitution Saving Throw to be at disadvantage on all attacks and saves until the end of their next turn.

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