
volume two • vilden of the grasslands

Whisper Blooms typically present in one of four colors: orange, purple, white, or blue. Each can be used to create brilliant dyes or, if mixed with the proper components, create oils and elixirs with strange and sometimes harrowing effects. *Price outside the Grasslands.


Category: Items Item Rarity: Very Rare Duration: 1 hour Weight: .5 lb. DESCRIPTION This oil is a warm rich orange color that glows slightly in natural light. INGREDIENTS Warrior’s Wash is made with 1 pound of Orange Whisper Bloom petals, mixed with the ashes of burnt rodent bones and chips from a broken blade. ABILITY When applied to a bladed weapon, the blade begins to gently glow with a soft orange light. This glow fills the wielder with a sense of purpose, giving them advantage on all saving throws against fear and mind-altering effects.

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