volume two • vilden of the grasslands
SPEED. A Vilden’s base walking speed is 30 feet. FLIGHT. Vilden have a flying speed of 25 feet. In order to be able to fly naturally, a Vilden can’t be wearing medium or heavy armor. UNLOCKING MEMORIES. Once per long rest a Vilden can use an action to sing a haunting melody, invoking the hidden secrets locked in all sentient creatures’ minds. Any creature within 30 feet must succeed on a Wisdom Saving Throw DC 8 + the Vilden’s Charisma Modifier + the Vilden’s Proficiency Bonus or be charmed for 1 minute. Charmed creatures are incapacitated and have disad vantage on Wisdom Saving Throws and ability checks. If the creature successfully saves against the Vilden’s Unlocking Memories ability, they are immune to the Unlocking Memories ability until their next long rest. INSPIRING SONG. Once per short rest, a Vilden can use a bonus action to inspire courage in their allies. For the next minute, allies within 30 feet who can hear the Vilden’s Inspiring Song gain advan tage on saving throws against being frightened and are immune to the frightened condition. THE SECRET LANGUAGE OF THE BIRDS. Vilden can speak to and understand all birds. LANGUAGES. Vilden can speak, read, and write the common language of the land.
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