
Before the city of San Francisco was built, this finger of land was

and a lot of discussion as to what to do with those spaces. My future proposes we turn some into indoor vertical farms—and maybe utilize tidal energy in addition to solar. As storms, fires, and droughts continue to ravage land where farms currently struggle—and as these conditions get even more extreme—we may need to bring some of our food growing indoors. -Tyler Cohen

predominantly dune. As the oceans rise, I imagine the dunes along the Pacific moving inward, reclaiming some of their mobility and space. I looked at a lot of maps that project where the shoreline will be in 20–50 years... Most of the sea incursion into San Francisco will be on the East side and the Northeast tip. Currently, there are a lot of empty highrises downtown

Some references: www.sfestuary.org San Francisco Estuary Blueprint 2022 report www.sfei.org Ecology, Conservation, and Restoration of Tidal Marshes , by Arnas Palaima https://explorer.adaptingtorisingtides.org/explorer

A few books I found inspiring: Believers: Making a Life at the End of the World , by Lisa Wells A Half-Built Garden , by Ruthanna Emrys Afterglow: Climate Fiction for Future Ancestors , ed. by Grist

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