from the people she met. “My job gave me a feeling of confidence,” explains Marty. “I knew I could do it, and I was so proud to represent the state of California and women and minorities.” Indeed, Marty directed the department during a time of great transformation, not only in California, but across the nation. Under her administration, the name of her agency changed from the Department of Navigation and Ocean Development to the Department of Boating and Waterways, indicating more accurately its focus and responsibilities. For years, the common term used to describe people who went boating had been “boatman.” Slowly, around this time, nautical terminology began to reflect all of the women who were joining the men out on the water and in top government jobs. “The name became ‘boater’ instead of ‘boatman,’” notes Marty. “We were really breaking the mold.” During her tenure as director, Marty worked hard to build relationships between Cal Boating and the different boating groups in California. Around this time, white water rafting was becoming popular, and many recreation power boaters had to be convinced that the state’s waterways needed to be available to everyone. Marty was able to smooth a lot of waters and win friends in both camps. Many sail boaters and rafters shared environmental concerns, and Marty showed them that Cal Boating was keenly interested in keeping California’s waters clean. When another public agency wanted to curtail release of water from Folsom Reservoir during the summer to protect fish spawning, boaters were fearful over the potential loss of needed water for recreation. Marty and her staff were able to demonstrate that the spawning actually took place at other times of the year, and the summer water level was maintained.
Cal Boating receives authority to control another invasive aquatic weed, Egeria densa , in Sacramento- San Joaquin Delta
Cal Boating works with state Senator Mike Thompson to pass comprehensive laws aimed at reducing number of accidents/injuries associated with personal watercraft Personal watercraft accidents drop dramatically
Cal Boating and state Senator Richard Rainey support passage of SB 172, establishing grant program for removal of abandoned vessels and other navigational hazards
50 Years: The Department of Boating and Waterways, 1957 to 2007
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